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The Hotel Project

We urgently need a permanent home for our YWAM base. We need a central place to host our schools. Our criteria is that it needs to be strategically located in the city, close to parks, shopping, the beach, and community life.

The hotel listed below is one of several for sale in the area.  This particular hotel was sold in early 2023 to another buyer, but we have chosen to keep the information here to show the vision of how things can look as we continue our hunt for our perfect home.  Please join us in prayer for this miracle campus!

This particular hotel has 13 bedrooms, kitchen, dining and access to the community pool. Next door is a storefront that is also for sale. The hotel comes fully furnished and has some potential for expansion. The two properties together are priced at $960,000 dollars, which includes closing costs, a reserve fund, and additional funds for expanding the kitchen.  

Establishing Roots in a Strategic Location

Hotel Room

The Hotel + Storefront is on Sale for $960,120

A key location with 13 bedrooms


Building the Base

This is truly an investment in long-term ministry.  Once we have acquired the hotel, we will continue to run our discipleship schools and local outreach out of this center.  The income from these schools generates revenue to fund ministry.

God is Providing

We have raised:


This property is a God-sized dream and is absolutely impossible for us to acquire without a miraculous provision.  If you are feeling something that inspires you to be part of this miracle, please contact us.  Also, please share this with anyone you know who would wish to partner with us to reach Spain for Jesus.

  • What is the city like?
    The Tropical Coast of Spain includes three larger cities and numerous small towns. Almuñécar, where we are based has about 27,000 year-round residents. Because it is a beach town, the population triples in the months of July and August, when most Europeans have time off for vacations. It is a beautiful place, with beaches, hiking, paragliding, and even snow skiing nearby. It has a rich history of Roman and Phoenician rule and those ruins can still be seen today.   Spiritually speaking, there are four evangelical churches in the city, but no known fellowships in most of the neighboring towns. Like most of Andalucía, the primary religion is Catholicism, although more and more people there today consider themselves non-religious.
  • Why do you need such a big hotel?
    It’s true that a hotel seems like a lot to start with, but God has told us to dream big! We never want to be accused of dreaming too small or only doing what is humanly possible. We need to have space to grow! We envision part of this property becoming a community center for the neighbors, where we can offer classes and activities – a place to belong.
  • What kind of operational costs are there with a property this big?
    Monthly expenses based on 75% occupancy of the hotel (averaging both high and low seasons) come out to about 2100 euros a month, including insurance, utilities, parking, security system, and neighborhood fees. Part of our purchase price will include several months of these expenses. Once we begin hosting staff and students in our schools, we will become self-sustaining.
  • Why are you in the city? Why not move to the country where land is cheaper?
    St. Ignatius of Loyola said, “Take special care that you obtain a good and sufficiently large site, or one that can be enlarged with time, large enough for house and church, and if possible, not too far removed from the conversation of the city, and having bought that, it will be a good beginning for all that follows.”   This is our heart and passion. To be in the heart of the city, living among the people to share God’s love through being neighbors. The key to reaching Spain is through developing meaningful relationships, and these take time and trust.
  • What happens to my donation if you aren’t able to get the hotel?
    All money donated to the purchase of this property will go toward purchasing a YWAM building. If for some reason we are unable to meet the deadlines or this property is sold to another, then the funds will purchase another property. We have looked at 8 hotels in the city in the 1-2 million euro range and many of them could be transformed into suitable properties to house staff and students and host schools. Typically, a 10% non-refundable deposit is given when signing the contract. For this reason, we are prayerfully going forward a step at a time.
  • How can I get involved?
    We are actively seeking individuals to pray, give, and serve. If you have a heart for intercession, please contact us below to be included on our mailing list. If you are interested in supporting this vision financially or know of others who can give, please visit our donate page. If you have a desire to come and serve short term (less than 3 months) or have completed a Discipleship Training School and are interested in serving full-time, please write to us.
  • Where can I get more information?
    Please contact us for any other questions you may have. We would love to hear from you!
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